In humour I know no droll. (Frigyes Karinthy)

We hope we brought some joyful moments with our “Let’s Share a Laugh” initiative during these past five weeks.
Springtime has arrived in the meanwhile and, finally, sunshine is here to be actively enjoyed, we can listen to the birds singing and venture outdoors for long treks.
We would like to express our gratitude to all colleagues and friends from all over the world who supported us in sharing a bit of laughter with everyone.

“And what is laughter but a flashing of the soul, that is, a light appearing externally as it is within.”
(Alighieri Dante, italian poet, philosophist)

“Every exit is an entry somewhere.”
(Tom Stoppard British writer)

“Space isn’t remote at all. It’s only an hour’s drive away if your car could go straight upwards.”
(Fred Hoyle English astronomer, writer)